Hello world!

Welcome to my new site!  As of this post not much is here but I just wanted to get something up and started.

As I often find myself looking at the world as if it were some giant puzzle, I decided I really needed a blog where I could analyze the things around me and tell how I would fix them.

Since I’m currently in the midst of several different projects, this site does not have my full attention right now but once I get a spare evening to sit down and hash out the look and feel of the site proper (what’s here right now is just a fill in but I already despise some aspects of it greatly).

Once everything is up and running, I will hopefully be providing some thoughtful and entertaining commentary on the world around me and even provide answers to solicited questions.  It’s probably safe to RSS this site if you are curious.  Otherwise, how you will you know when I post?

If you know nothing about RSS, look for a detailed post on it coming soon.

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